
通过将传统与现代相结合,为您的调色板增添新的专业色彩. 作为一个艺术与设计媒体专业的学生, 你将体验到两全其美, 经典工作室艺术的融合研究, such as painting, 画, and ceramics, 接受过现代数字媒体的培训, 比如动画和3D打印. 在学习跨领域和学科适用的现实世界技能的同时,发挥你的创造力. Make your “mark” at UNE.

Two computer monitors display 3D renderings being worked on by U N E students

为什么一个 for Your B.A. in Art and Design Media

Whether your specialty is landscape painting or video production, we focus not just on the art itself but its impact on other disciplines, encouraging you to make connections between your personal experience and the arts, sciences, social sciences, and the environment.

  • Intriguing internships
  • Flexible curriculum allowing for double majors and minors
  • Class sizes of 15 or smaller
  • 强调社区参与和本地艺术
  • Access to medical and science faculty for study of scientific illustration
  • 跨学科合作的机会

The Art courses I took were not only informative and interesting, but also fun! As a lover of art, I was endlessly excited by the material my professors presented.

— Jamie Thompson


What will you study? 艺术与设计媒体学位课程概述

B.A. 艺术与设计媒体课程

There are many ways you can navigate the Art and Design Media major. The following are just some examples of the exciting courses that you can take:

  • 陶瓷
  • Watercolor
  • Landscape Painting
  • Graphic Design
  • Boat Building
  • Scientific Illustration
  • Digital Animation
  • Photography


CAS Core Curriculum学分
Total 学分42–43
Program Required Courses学分
arh210 -艺术史调查I or arh211 -艺术史调查II or ARH 270 -艺术在现代世界3
ART 104 – Painting I3
艺术113 -三维基础3
ART 118 – 画 & Design Fundamentals3
ART 200 – Advanced 画3
艺术214 -彩色数码摄影 or CMM 300 – Documentary Video or cmm311 -数字视频制作 or WRT 304 – Read & Write in Digital Environments3
ART 230 – Graphic Design3
ART 395 -工作室集中研讨会3
LIL 420 – Arts & Humanities Capstone3
Three (3) credits of elective coursework from List A (below)3
Six (6) credits of elective coursework from either List A or B名单6
Total 学分36
Open Elective Courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)Variable


List A – Elective Options学分
ART 101 – Watercolor3
ART 102 – Photography3
ART 105 – Elements of Acting3
ART 108 – Boatbuilding3
ART 109 – T-Shirt Design3
ART 110 – 陶瓷3
ART 111 -科学插图3
ART 114 – Printmaking3
ART 124 – The Painted Book3
ART 130 – Art of the Letter3
ART 199 -专题课程(任何媒体)3
ART 207 – Landscape Painting3
艺术214 -彩色数码摄影3
ART 234 – Digital Animation3
艺术299 -高级主题的艺术3
ART 324 – The Painted Book 3D3
艺术401 -创意/美术实习3
B名单 – Elective Options学分
CMM 210 – Understanding Media3
CMM 300 -照片和视频文件3
cmm311 -数字视频和音频制作3
cmm430 -传播学实习3
HIS 345 – Museums & Public 历史3
LIL 120 – Introductory Arts & Humanities Seminar3
WRT 111 -创意写作主题3
WRT 304 – Read & Write in Digital Environments3
WRT 312 -小说写作工作坊3
WRT 317 -提案和拨款写作3

An average GPA of 2.该学位要求0或更高.

View the Suggested Progression for Art and Media 专业 (PDF)

本专业的学生可以参加 学前健康研究生院准备课程.

要了解更多有关该计划的信息,请访问 Academic Catalog.

Changes were made to this program in an addendum to the 2022/23 academic calendar. Please see the 2022–2023 Catalog Addendum (PDF) for the most recent information. As always, 建议学生在课程和项目规划方面寻求学术顾问的指导. 通过这种方式,您将能够访问所有可用的最新信息.

Discover UNE’s Art Programs


作为一个艺术与设计媒体专业的学生, 您将掌握百年工艺的技术技能以及尖端的现代应用. In addition, 你会发展出自我表现的天赋, 解释复杂思想的才能, 灵活地采用不同的观点——超越工作类别的技能,将帮助你在广泛的职业中脱颖而出.

Our graduates have pursued many fascinating professions, including:

  • Graphic Designer
  • Digital Animator
  • Photographer
  • Arts Educator
  • Web Designer
  • Fine Artist
  • Video Producer
  • Illustrator
  • Ceramicist

Career Advising for B.A. 艺术与设计传媒专业

无论你心中有一个明确的职业目标,还是对自己感兴趣的领域有一个模糊的概念, Career Advising 是来帮你计划下一步的吗.


Explore Art Studio Spaces With UNE 学生 Johnna and Will

Learn about the different studio spaces along with the ceramics, printmaking, and digital photography lab in the Creative and Fine Arts facility.

Experiential Learning in the Bachelor's Degree in Art and Design Media Program

Get out your smock because we don’t teach art and 设计 from a textbook. 我们的课程强调实践, 现实世界的学习,激发你的想象力, ignites your creativity, and prepares you for a successful professional career. At the easel, in the darkroom, by the potter’s wheel, or with your computer, 准备好创造你的未来.


实习可以提供宝贵的实地经验, giving you an opportunity to explore career options and network with professionals. 你可以在学年期间到学校附近实习,也可以暑假到家乡实习.

Our students have held internships in many exciting positions, such as:

  • Graphic Designer
  • Editorial Art Assistant
  • Photography Aide
  • Assistant Music Teacher
  • Gallery Assistant

For more information email the 学术和职业咨询中心 at advising@a6358.com.


Art Gallery

The Art Gallery on 一个的 Portland Campus houses a permanent collection of paintings, 图纸, photographs, and sculptures by nationally and internationally renowned artists. 它每年举办六个展览,从当代美术到摄影,各种媒体都有, to international themes, 女性和缅因州艺术家的作品.

从6月到10月,画廊在其外部呈现年度雕塑花园. On occasion, 我们在波特兰和比德福德校区的其他地点安排了不同的展览.


学生事务办公室与我们的艺术项目合作,为比德福德校园带来各种各样的艺术活动, ranging from lunchtime concerts at the Alfond Cafe to poetry readings, to gallery exhibits at the Campus Center and Engine gallery in downtown Biddeford.

Portland Art Scene

波特兰的艺术场景包括 Portland Museum of Art, SPACE Gallery以及众多私人和非营利艺术画廊.

应用 Today

准备在UNE的B开始你的未来.A. 艺术与设计媒体学位课程? Get started today.

Art and Design Media FAQ


艺术与设计学位可以让你在学习跨领域和学科适用的现实世界技能的同时,发挥你的创造力. The two most common types of degrees are a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) or a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). A B.F.A. degree usually requires more credit hours of visual arts coursework while a B.A. 学位更容易在文科环境中结合多个专业和课程. A B.A. program caters to students who may want a greater degree of career flexibility.

正规澳门赌场网络提供文学学士学位.A.) in Art and Design Media. 我们的专业人员掌握了数百年历史的工艺技术以及尖端的现代应用. 这包括学习经典的工作室艺术, such as painting, 画, and ceramics, 接受过现代数字媒体的培训, 比如动画和3D打印.

Learn more about 一个B.A. 艺术与设计媒体学位课程


追求艺术和设计学位的学生为成熟或新兴行业(如动画)的职业生涯做好了准备, fine arts, graphic 设计, illustration, photography, and web media.

Graduates of 一个B.A. 在缅因州的艺术与设计媒体学位课程中,从事平面设计师的职业, digital animators, photographers, arts educators, web 设计ers, fine artists, video producers, illustrators, and ceramicists.

作为正规澳门赌场网络艺术与设计传媒专业的学生, you will have the ability to work with our 学术和职业咨询中心. 如果你有一个明确的职业目标,或者只是对一个领域有普遍的兴趣,这并不重要.



A degree in art and 设计 is great if you want to turn your passion for art, communications, 设计, and technology into a career. 与所有学术专业一样,艺术和设计学位的价值可以通过多种方式衡量. Below are a few benefits to earning an art and 设计 degree:

  • 通过课堂作业培养你的创新能力, studio courses, and internships, 帮助你把所有的知识付诸实践.
  • 参加一系列从传统到当代的艺术课程,为你未来的艺术和设计事业做好准备.
  • Creating opportunities through experiential learning, internships, networking, and connections with faculty, students, and alumni.

在获得艺术和设计学位时学到的技能可以超越工作类别,并将帮助你在广泛的职业中脱颖而出. Art and 设计 majors commonly work as arts educators, digital animators, graphic 设计ers, illustrators, photographers, and video producers.

What are the requirements for a degree in art and 设计?

Requirements for a degree in art and 设计 vary by school. At UNE, an average GPA of 2.B需要0或更高的分数.A. in Art and Design Media. 学生 must complete all College of Arts and 科学s (CAS) Core Requirements, required art courses, and open electives. 

艺术媒体专业要求36个学分,这让你有可能双修生物学, 英语, 历史, political science, or psychology, just to name a few. 学生还可以辅修艺术治疗. 你也可以在艺术和/或传播机构参加三(3)学分实习,作为你学习课程的一部分. A UNE faculty member will work with you to facilitate this option.


If you’re earning a bachelor’s degree in art and 设计, 它通常需要四年的全日制学习,至少需要120个学分. There are also two-year, 60学分的副学士学位课程可以为你提供重要的视觉艺术和设计技术的入门指导.

一个B.A. 艺术与设计媒体专业的总学分为120个,其中包括44个开放选修学分.

View UNE’s four-year Art and Design Media major suggested course progression (PDF)


Picking what to study is a personal choice and should match what you like, what you're good at, 以及你想要什么样的职业道路. 探索所有的选择,找到艺术和设计媒体程序,是最适合你的. 以下是一些你应该考虑的因素.


What types of instructors will you be learning from and working with? 正规澳门赌场网络拥有一支优秀的艺术与设计媒体学院. As a student, you will work closely with nationally renowned artists, 此外,你还可以进入医学和科学学院学习科学插图.

Meet faculty and professional staff in the School of Arts and Humanities

学生们也喜欢小班授课. 正规澳门赌场网络的师生比例为12:1,设计和艺术媒体班的人数不超过15人.



课程是否有多个学习领域,让你可以定制你的课程并探索你的兴趣? UNE’s Art and Design Media program has a flexible curriculum. 这允许双专业和辅修, 跨学科合作的机会, and an emphasis on community engagement and local arts.


正规澳门赌场网络实行体验式学习. 艺术和设计媒体课程强调实践, real-world learning and internships provide valuable field experience, giving you an opportunity to explore career options and network with professionals.


Financial aid

你正在考虑的学校是否提供经济援助或奖学金来帮助你学习? 正规澳门赌场网络的学费非常便宜. Our tuition is 16% below the average tuition for private universities in New England. 所有即将入学的全日制本科生将获得优秀奖学金,金额从5美元起,000 to $22,000 per year.

Learn more about grants and scholarships available to undergraduate students at UNE

一个的 Student Financial Services comprises the Financial Aid and Student Accounts offices. Our program optimizes institutional and federal funds. 欲了解教育资助方案,请与我们联系 sfs@a6358.com or (207) 602-2342 between 9 a.m. 还有3p.m., Monday to Friday.

Location and environment

这是一种合作的氛围,你可以向同事学习,但也可以与之竞争吗? 附近有突出的或新兴的艺术场景吗? UNE provides students with a variety of learning experiences with its three unique campuses; two Maine campuses in Biddeford and Portland plus a campus in Tangier, Morocco that is home to an innovative semester abroad program.


波特兰的艺术场景包括 Portland Museum of Art, SPACE Gallery还有许多私人和非营利艺术画廊,以及正规澳门赌场网络波特兰校区的艺术画廊. 也, 学生事务办公室与我们的艺术项目合作,为比德福德校区带来各种各样的艺术活动.

Career goals

学院或大学是否根据你的兴趣和学习领域提供建议,帮助你确定正确的职业道路? UNE offers Career Advising 来帮你计划下一步. 93%的学士学位毕业生在毕业后的六个月到一年内就业或继续接受高等教育.

一个的 Art and Design Media program blends study in classic studio arts, such as painting, 画, and ceramics, 接受过现代数字媒体的培训, 比如动画和3D打印. This program differs from the Art Education program which offers a blended curriculum of art skills and educational theory and practice. 该课程为学生成为K-12视觉艺术教师做准备,包括缅因州K-12视觉艺术教师认证课程. Both programs include art classes and the CAS Core Requirements.